Creating Variables: - A variable can be set to any data type - You can name a variable anything - Except… it cannot start with a number, or contain periods

# 1) Create a variable with a value of 2, and another one with a value of 3

Basic Math Functions: - Addition: x + y - Subtraction: x - y - Multiplication: x * y - Division: x/y - Exponential: x ** y

# Add, multiply and divide your variables!

Data Types - Integers (‘int’): Whole numbers - Floats (‘float’): Decimals - Strings (‘str’): Sequences of characters surrounded by quotations - Booleans (‘bool’): True/False - Lists (‘list’): Collections of items surrounded by brackets - Dictionaries (‘dict’): Collections of items assigned to labels


num1 = 5
num2 = 5.0
num3 = "5"

my_dict = {
    'colors': ['red', 'blue', 'green'],
    'numbers': [1,2,3],
    'favorite food': 'pizza'

my_list = ["hey", 35]

# Find the types of each: num1, num2, num3, my_dict and my_list (hint: type())
# Create a list of numbers from 5-10 and a dictionary with your favorite
# foods and favorite drinks

Indexing: retrieving an element from a collection (such as a list of dictionary) - Remember it starts at 0!

# Retrieve the first element of my_list, and the color green from my_dict

Importing Data: - Data usually comes in the form of CSV’s (comma seperated values) - We usually look at structured data which is a big table - We can index it like a dictionary!

# Import data here, and show the "head"