
Bitcoin Price Prediction

Bitcoin Price Prediction

How does the price of Bitcoin change over time? In this project, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model was used to capture data and model long-term dependencies in sequential data.

Group Members: Alice Xu

NBA Prediction Model

NBA Prediction Model

Whether attempting to win a bet with your friends, or trying to make a viral post before your favorite NBA team plays, we can clearly see the benefit of a predictive model for NBA match-ups!

Group Members: Akhil Gorla, Aditya Iyer

Pokemon Type Interactions with Tableau

Pokemon Type Interactions with Tableau

There are a lot of pokemon types and a plethora of various type combinations. Using tableau, this project allows for clear and concise examination of the various types and their interactions on different Pokemon!

Group Members: Pramukh Shankar

Predictive Modeling of Heart Disease

Predictive Modeling of Heart Disease

Using hospital data, this project sought to determine the links between various indicators and their impacts on the chances of a patient developing heart disease.

Group Members: Cyrus Navasca, Owen Feng, Nikhil Gupta, Tony Cao

Visual Mouse Using MediaPipe

Visual Mouse Using MediaPipe

Using MediaPipe, a Raspberry Pi, and a webcam, the image data collected by the camera is translated into mouse movements and clicks!

Group Members: Colton Rowe